Thursday, August 20, 2015

Avatars that visit Tempura---ACT 57

Tempura アバター百景その57

Hi, this is Chikae ella Tempura SIM officer.
こんにちわ、Tempuraシムオフィサーの Chikae ella です。

Worries about love taste sweet.
Sadness from love makes me happy.
Pains of love bring joy.


There is nothing more fortunate than suffering from love.

Polly, the guardian goddess in Tempura, has posted her artistic photos.
There is no one else who has been loving and enjoying Tempura but Polly.
All her photos are filled with her love and her spirit of selfless hospitality.
Please enjoy her work full of humanity, "Hundred Avatars at Tempura".


The one who is full of love lives in a world filled with love. The one who is full of hate lives in a world filled with hate. The one who you encounter would be a reflection of yourself.

Those things you have suffered and have broken your heart would bear beautiful flowers in your heart some day.  Getting over grief is a necessary path to be happy.
苦しかったこと、悲しかったことが、いつか 花咲くときがくる。悲しみは幸せになるためには必要な通り道だ。

Sweet love has wings and flies away so easily. Please don't leave me.

Distress and depression are a part of your life. They happen to you because you are inexperienced and immature.

The basic rule of love is not to make your partner worry about you.  You'd better be thoughtful of him/her.

Those who are considered truly fashionable, never compare themselves with others. Just simply choose the clothes of "their" kind.

Don't let the well of your mind run dry. Even a dry well would be filled with water if you kept pouring.

God who brought me into this world is always with me and never forsake me.

Don't pry into the life of your loved one. True love grows on a caring and thoughtful relationship.

No matter how you look, any avatar is always welcome to Tempura. Just keep love in your heart.

Why don't I start working on myself from now, in order not to be useless when I become old and lose my youth and beauty.

A very small degree of hope and curiosity are sufficient to cause the birth of love.

"Look at me." "Worry about me." "Care about me." "Love me more." A demanding woman always makes me dislike her.

When you fall in love, it causes the flame of fire in your brain. Then it runs all over your body, come down to your toes, and cause a sharp ringing in your ears.

I want to make each day count so that I won't have any regrets even if I don't wake up tomorrow.

Being in love is like letting yourself go with the eternal flow of music. It gives a hope to the young and glory to the elderly.

The happiest thing when you are in love is the moment you hold your loved one's hand for the first time.

Humans are born to cause a love revolution.

Absolute love, everlasting love, such selfless love definitely exists in this world.

If you think about your future too much, you would be upset over nothing and be overly paranoid, then your life will be ruined.

Photograph by: Polly Reina ( TEMPURA ISLAND sim officer)
Author: Chikae ella