Thursday, May 1, 2014

Memorial greetings from the family and guests for the 6-th Anniversary of Tempura.


Hi, this is Chikae ella Tempura SIM officer.
こんにちわ、Tempuraシムオフィサーの Chikae ella です

Your Tempura will celebrate the 6th birthday on May 25.

There will be several commemorative events.
Here the Tempura blog as per usual, the tempura families will appear.
The family members are supporting tempura as volunteers, important fellows with benevolent affections.



Now, as a special event---

Special guests who are linked by fate with Tempura will be asked to come on stage.
The greetings by the families and guests will be posted in sequence.
Please looking forward to.

Special guest Part 1

Clione Clary
(SLTV Personality, VWBC -Virtual World Broadcasting- newscaster)

Happy 6th Anniversary Tempura!!!

If memory serves me well, I got to know kikunosuke and chikae right after the grand opening of Tempura in 2008.  Many SL years have past since I got to know these beautiful people.

I am so grateful that Second Life has been blessed with the one and only fabulous creation of art known as Tempura.  With its beautiful landscapes, buildings, music and atmosphere.

Whenever I'm in the mood, I come and bathe myself in this extraordinary world.
When I feel happy, I come here to share it.
When I feel sad, 'the world of ultimate healing' lifts me back up.
Yes, that's how important this place is to me and it's never let me down. Not even once. There's never a bad time to come here.

Usually it's really difficult to maintain a private region like this in SL. Luckily the Tempura family who run this place are very well organized.

Kikunosuke is not only a talented and passionate creator but  quick learner too! In order to maintain this island and allow things to keep running smoothly, he's opened the Mandala Accessory store. I am fond of every single creation in there. It's inspiring to know that he learned and mastered all of his creative skills in SL from scratch.
It's hard not to have a deep respect for him!

I'm sure that the history of Tempura will go on as long as the Second Life goes on.

Happy Birthday Tempura, you're a beautiful creation.




私にとって本当にかけがえのないとても大事な場所なのです。 私が何を求めてここを訪れても決して期待を裏切ることはありません。 いつどんな気持ちでここを訪れても、いつだって期待に応えてくれる場所なのです。

SL内でこのような場所を長年に渡って維持して行く事はまさに至難の業。 しかし、幸いな事にこの場所は「テンプラ・ファミリー」によって本当にきちんと管理されています。 だからこその居心地の良さなのですよね。



お誕生日おめでとう&ありがとう! テンプラは私にとって、いつまでも大切にしたい芸術作品です。

photo by: Heart Irata

Waterlilly Aabye  (Tempura Elf & Security)

The day has arrived again and we are here to celebrate Tempura’s 6th birthday. Finding the most eloquent and suitable words is rather difficult when you try to grab the essence of such a magical place. When you begin to compose your first sentence you easily get the feeling that the words escape you. Mostly impressions of the most enchanting spots, the music and your friends come to your mind. Those shared moments, talks and dances that are intertwined with the tranquil atmosphere of Tempura, creating a perfect hideaway from the hustle and bustle of real life.



I would like to thank the owner Kikunosoke Eel, his officers Chikae Ella and Polly Reina and my fellow Tempura family members for devoting their time to Tempura to preserve and maintain it for us.

オーナーのKikunosuke Eel, 彼のオフィサーのChikae EllaとPolly Reina、そして私の仲間のTempuraファミリーメンバーに、Tempuraを保存し維持してゆく時間を捧げていることに深く感謝したいと思います。

I have chosen a poem by the Japanese Buddhist monk and poet Daigu Ryokan to wish Happy Birthday and thank you all for the lovely time together.


„The rain has stopped, the clouds have drifted away,
and the weather is clear again.
If your heart is pure, then all things in your world are pure.
Abandon this fleeting world, abandon yourself,
Then the moon and flowers will guide you along the way.”


Let's celebrate Tempura together by immersing ourselves in the beauties of the sim.

photo by: Polly Reina

Rios Allen (Tempura Security)

Heartily congratulate the sixth anniversary of Tempura.

I am privileged with the honor of being able to send this note of congratulations this year too.  I joined this family two years ago but I had known Tempura since its opening.  The timeless beauty and continued popularity, those are really amazing.  Furthermore, I am exhilarated by something fresh every time I visit here even today, that is due to so many guests who give attractive colors to the SIM every day.  Some of the guests say to me a member of security, “Hi, this is lovely place” or “Thank you for welcoming us”.  I am very glad to know that this is also a place where such warm souls are getting together.  (I am sorry but I cannot answer them immediately in many cases.)  I wish all guests visiting Tempura from now on to have good meetings and memories.


Last but not least. I express my deepest gratitude to kiku, chikae, polly and all family members.  Under the favor and labor of you all, Tempura maintains the peace today.  Thank you all the time.


photo by : Rios Allen

Author: Chikae ella