Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Greeting from the family celebrating the fifth anniversary of Tempura


Hi, this is Chikae ella Tempura SIM officer.
こんにちわ、Tempuraシムオフィサーの Chikae ella です

Tempura is an absolute volunteer SIM that was managed by its family.
Kikunosuke the owner had created it purposing “love and healing” in order to enjoy himself and his friends. Somewhere along the line, many peoples started to gather together from across the globe.
Everyday Tempura is crowded as if it were big with events. It is because that everyone from the world knows that they can find friends at Tempura without fail and enjoy with peace of mind. The glory of Tempura was not changed even now after five years. As I mention many times, a success of a SIM is a success of the management. The fact that people of the world can enjoy is the product of efforts of the family. 
Sincere greetings from our beloved family celebrating the fifth anniversary.


Waterlilly Aabye(Tempura  elf and Security)

We are celebrating Tempura’s 5th birthday this year. In Second Life 5 years is a long time and many sims come and go almost unnoticeably but not Tempura. I think I am not alone in my view that the sim has had unbroken success since its foundation.What are the magical ingredients of success?
First of all the enthusiasm of the sim founder Kikunosuke Eel and his sim officers Chikae Ella and Polly Reina. I would like to thank them for their effort to maintain the sim, to make Tempura even more beautiful for us. I would like to think that we – the members of the Tempura family or as I call ourselves:
the guardians of the sim – can add a pinch of spice into the secret recipe of Tempura.
Last but not least our lovely visitors and Tempura supporters are needed to celebrate today. 
I'd like to give special thanks to my meditation circle friends – would be a long list to name all of them – for the laughters and happy moments we share from time to time. We are from every corner of this planet, we live in different time zones and have various cultural backgrounds, customs and religions but Tempura unites us.
I hope that we can enjoy what this wonderful place gives us for a long time together in peace and love.

 Happy 5th Birthday Tempura!

成功の秘訣は何なのでしょう? まず第一にSIM創設者のKikunosuke Eel、彼のオフィサーのChikae EllaとPolly Reinaの熱意。このSIMを維持し、Tempuraを私たちのためにより美しくしてくれる彼らの尽力に感謝します。
Tempura 5歳の誕生日おめでとう!

Mauro Catroni s(Tempura security)

Another year has passed. A lot of sims disappaered, even splendid ones, but Tempura is still here en it seems to be each year even more attractive if u look to the growing number or regular visitors. It is for sure that Chikae, Polly and Kikunosuke have created a world exceeding all kind of differences between people and cultures bringing them together to harmony and peace and for some to beautiful relations or friendships. May be rl can learn something from sl too. i am convinced that this ambiance will be attractive regardless of time, so lets all make another splendid Tempura-year.


Rios Allen (Tempura security)

Congratulations and best wishes on the 5th year anniversary of TEMPURA! :D

At TEMPURA, we will not feel lonely even if we stay alone in mysterious ways.
Everyone will be enveloped in the warmth by Kiku's gentle enchantment,
we can always feel the magnificence that place full of love brings.

I dedicate sincere thanks to Kiku and Chikae.
Of course, for Polly and a wonderful family too!




photo by: Arisara Ethaniel, Rios Allen, Polly Reina
author: Chikae ella