Saturday, April 20, 2013

Avatars that visit Tempura---ACT 29

Tempura アバター百景その29

Hi, this is Chikae ella Tempura SIM officer.
こんにちわ、Tempuraシムオフィサーの Chikae ella です

As soon as a man starts life, he will be implanted the greatest power in the universe.
That is a power “To change any possibility considered in one’s mind into a reality in this world”.
Tempura is a paradise of consolation that human mind has created, a place for social interaction for earthians, in spite of races or religions. The Tempura will celebrate the fifth anniversary on May 25th.


Here we present Hundred Avatars at Tempura ACT29.
The photographs by Aris are full of uplifting feeling and love for the subject avatars. They are well depicting her tender and soft-hearted character. She has been working hard and does anything requested by the families without showing the slightest annoyance. She has been loved and counted on by all families. Please enjoy the wonderful art world by Aris. We will present this with full confidence and pride. We all love Aris.


This is my life.  I would control every minute and second myself.  I would not surrender myself to interference of others.

You are needed for the world.  There should be some place in this world just only for you.

To lure a woman is to conquer her, but to marry her is to make an unconditional surrender to a woman.

 What human thinks is like a magnet.  It never stops attracting everything with action and result.

Let us make a stand when we noticed that our luck runs out.  This is the time to reexamine the basics of life.

I can decide.  I realize my responsibility for my action, my value, and my affection.  I am just going the way I am.

We are protected by all things in this world.  You will be happy if you are aware of it.

You will not feel sick when you are thinking good things.  There is the ultimate healing here in Tempura.

What you are thinking now at Tempura has an impact to this universe to a greater of lesser extent.

Never let the past weigh on your mind.  There is neither creative power, nor freedom and dream.  The ball game of your life is from now.

To love is to loose delicacy for women, but to enhance delicacy for men.

There is a common character among lucky persons that is to think always that the future of them is great.

When you bring forth a love, there will be a reminder of the love within you.  The love will return to you after a long journey.

Depending on whether we become good or bad, the world we live also becomes good or bad.

Men become men even being left alone, but women become women by embraced and loved by men.

Luck will whisper into your ear, “I love you, I love you.  Would you marry me?”

The reason why women play down men is that men will not keep a secret of the affair.

When we love someone, we will try hard to be better.  A love is so great.

I would like to relax.  Please do not talk to me now.

Your smile, gratitude, and benediction will wipe out affliction and contradiction of life.

photograph  :Arisara Ethaniel(tempura Photographer & Security )
Author:   Chikae ella